Why Direct Approach Security Services (DASS)?
DASS has been a subsidiary of the partner owned Direct Approach Tactical Solutions, Inc. since 2009. Licensed and Certified by the State of Ohio Homeland Securities, Private Investigator Security Group Services, a mandatory step in providing personal and private security in Ohio (Certification provided upon request). All employees hired are vetted and screened prior to employment by the co-owners, FBI/BCI and Ohio Homeland Security. DATS carries Liability Insurance specific to their contracts, via AWC Group, LLC well above the State of Ohio’s minimums for liability, we assume (Contract provided upon request). All BWC claims for our employees are covered by DATS (Certification provided upon request).
With due diligence, our employees must meet several of the following criteria: Current/Former/Retired law enforcement officers in good standing with or upon leaving their respective agencies. Current/Former/Retired Military personnel who have been honorably discharged. All officers have been vetted and trained to the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy or like agency State of Ohio approved training standards, such as the Ohio Peace Officer Training Course for Security Officers, and will undergo a 3-month probationary period once employed by DASS. When armed officers are required all security guards will be armed for the duration of their shift. Annual qualifications are completed by a certified range officer and State of Ohio Security Guard IDs are issued for certification by State of Ohio Private Investigator Security Guard Services (PISGS) and will be displayed by officers when in a uniformed capacity. Security Guards will be uniformed when requested. For personal security, the attire will be at the request of the client, whether to be uniformed, casual or business, depending on the needs for the day. All DATS staff are certified via the American Heart Association in CPR/AED use, as well as Advanced First Aid and Trauma response, 2022- 2023. Reporting will be handled by Deggy Solutions, an agency leader in Remote Security Monitoring or other agreed upon methods. Daily reports will be available for supervision monitoring as well as client requests for involved incidents that are documented by the officer(s). Our security services will be built from the ground up with attention to detail. A Security Assessment will be completed to gauge much risk and vulnerability to determine the needs of the client. The information gathered from the assessment will be shared with staff and stakeholders, to provide advice for placement and needs of the planned guardhouse structures if warranted, and primary security measures to include roving and stationary officers. A consultation with the client contracted security systems partner, if requested, to discuss particular placement of the security features that are being installed on the grounds as well as structures on the property and beyond.
DASS staff has extensive history and has built relationships within the law enforcement community. Our staff can facilitate meetings with county and local law enforcement patrol and response, as well as coordinating agencies for future endeavors. Set-up and instructed management and employees, and close support persons, on tried-and-true safety measures to help ensure safe and secure practices for personal and business safety protocols and actions. We will continue to work with management to ensure their needs and expectations are being met.
Vision Statement
To be recognized as a premier professional security service, by providing qualified, exceptionally trained security personnel, through proper selection and training, who exceed the security industry’s standard through our three core values: Honor, Integrity and Vigilance.